

Digital Lab for Education in Dietetics combining Experiental Learning and Community Service


Call 2021 Round 1 KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education

Project title: Digital Lab for Education in Dietetics combining Experiental Learning and Community Service

Project number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000032074
Acronym: E+DIETing_LAB

Total duration: 36 months

Project start and end dates: 01.03.2022 – 28.02.2025


Partner Organisations:

  1. Fundación Universidad Europea del Atlántico, Spain – applicant
  2. Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
  3. Fachhochschule St Poelten Gmbh, Austria
  4. Universidade do Porto, Portugal
  5. Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen, Belgium
  6. Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Poland

Total funding: 394 190,00 EUR


Contact person

dr Magdalena Lelonek – scientific expert, researcher

e-mail: magdalena.lelonek@ujk.edu.pl


The general idea of E+DIETing_LAB is to improve people’s health through better eating habits and physical activity. According to WHO, NCDs (non-communicable diseases) are mainly caused by overweight/obesity. Nutritional approaches are of paramount importance in the management of NCDs. We also know that in Europe 40% of the adult population is overweight or obese, and worldwide there are more than 2.1 billion people who are overweight (The Lancet, 2017) with an increasing trend in developed countries. And finally, there are also those pathologies associated with bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyles (Mozaffarian, 2014).

A dietitian is a person who applies the science of nutrition to the feeding and education of groups of people and individuals in health and disease. With the previously described scenario, the role of the dietitian becomes increasingly valuable as a health professional.


The project’s aim is to:

  • provide a response to the increasing health issues related to human nutrition.
  • have access to practical dietetics education.
  • improve interpersonal skills of dietitians and learn from the generated interactions.
  • promote the third mission of the university: social responsibility.
  • align educators, health system and policy-makers towards human nutrition health.


In order to reach this aim, we pursue to develop and validate innovative training digital products oriented to facilitate interactive learning experiences in the education field of dietetics.


The result of this project will consist of an educational digital software application that will provide students in a HE level with a practical course on dietetics education without
a supervision. The same tool will be useful for dietitians who want to improve their skills. The target of the project are future clinical and community dietitians. Digital Lab for Education in Dietetics will be a trainer’s tool focused on the Dietetic Care Process (DCP) related to a Community Dietitian. In the lab, the learner will be able to interact with individuals (potential patients) under the supervision of the teaching staff.